And lastly Randomly Generate the Perception you are to work with; Your chosen perception together with your inner doorway creates your specific Door of Perception.
Level 1: Base Chakra The Dance of Desire | 1. Receiving 2. Giving 3. Wanting 4. Letting-go |
Level 2: Navel Chakra The Dance of Knowing | 1. Discerning 2. Trusting 3. Knowing 4. Accepting |
Level 3: Solar Plexus The Dance of the Cross | 1. Unhappy 2. Happy 3. Responding 4. Appreciating |
Level 4: Heart Chakra The Dance of Caring | 1. Repelling 2. Attracting 3. Caring 4. Grateful |
Level 5: Throat Chakra The Dance of Communion | 1. Listening 2. Speaking 3. Communing 4. Joyful |
Level 6: Third Eye The Dance of Vision | 1. Negating 2. Affirming 3. Seeing/Seeking 4. Peaceful |
Level 7: Crown Chakra The Dance of Identity | 1. Controlling 2. Accomplishing 3. Liberating 4. Free |
Level 8: Spiritual Heart Chakra The Dance of Loving | 1. Consuming 2. Aware 3. Creating 4. Loving |