Resources to Uplift & Inspire:

Books and self paced programs & courses.


Oracle of the Heart mini program

This Program is simple and highly experiential. The guided meditative experiences provided offer opportunities to receive and embrace the unconditionally loving awareness of your soul. Practical benefits include: Stress Relief, Building Self Confidence, Strengthening your Relationships both personal and professional. Includes links to over 30 meditative exercises and a link to play The GAME: Our […]

Reality Remodels Courses (64 weeks)

This 64 Week series provides you with a new program each week. It is a deeply profound series and yet easily integrated into your daily life. They are informative and each have links to different meditative exercises for facilitating balancing your physical, emotional, and mental aspects as you awaken to your spiritual being-ness. If you […]

My Journey to Heart Dances by Barbara McCoy

A personal glimpse into my life and the diversity of experiences that not only led me to Heart Dances but the value they offer me each and every day. There’s loads of Pics too! I do hope you enjoy it! Free to Download

The Magic of Luvkin Free Download

The Magic of Luvkin The Magic of Luvkin free download is a Story & Coloring Book for the child in us all. When our children were all young we created these magical characters and stories to help them embrace & love their unique selves and to embrace the uniqueness of others. The animated characters emulate […]

Live the Promise ebook

“Live the Promise” Kindle version & Paperback copies are available on Amazon  also: The story of how Bodie McCoy’s life led him to discover dynamic threads between the seven branches of Yoga, the Mayan Sun Cross codex, Tarot, the Tree of Life, the only prayer Jesus taught, the chakra energy centers of the body, and […]

The Prayer Jesus Taught

‘The Prayer Jesus Taught’  newly updated Kindle and Paperback versions are Now on Amazon. One of the many revelations Bodie reveals is the Sacred Geometry within the Lords Prayer. Its geometrical structure affirms it is not just a typical prayer, but a mystical formula for living a fulfilling, successful and loving life. Our journey to […]

The Eighth Heaven ebook

Experience the mystical connections between the ancient Mayan culture, the Anasazi and the Lord’s Prayer. Ultimately revealing a stairway into the Eighth Heaven. If you’re interested in the mystical wisdom of the Original Maya’s and their connections to the Anasazi Ancient Ones, this book will be particularly interesting.

Heart Dances e-book

Heart Dances represent both the content and product of Oracle of the Heart. It offers in depth stories offered by both Bodie and Barbara McCoy. They share many of their magical experiences of trekking through ancient Mayan temples, and visits to the Anasazi great kiva. Stories of learning to let go, trust, and have faith. […]

Oracle of the Heart workbook

This Introductory Workbook provides rich content and instruction on working with Oracle of the Heart including a 32 Key-word Glossary giving you a workbook that will undoubtedly expand your heart and mind. Experience personally what Oracle of the Heart can do to enrich the quality of your life and those you care about. ($33) An […]