The Ultimate Goal:

Our Ultimate Goal is to provide multiple opportunities to “See Yourself Loving.” This enables each of us to honor our sacredness and realize our oneness with God. Our Soul is aware of our divine, eternal and inherently worthy self. It is more than our body, our thoughts, or our feelings. It is the highest aspect of our Self.
This journey here on earth provides ample opportunities for us to learn what it means to be a child of God; unconditionally loved and loving. I am living proof of that. Otherwise I would surely be dead or hospitalized and possibly deemed clinically insane by now. When we transcend these lower levels, the body, mind and emotions, that which is left is pure Soul Awareness. From this awareness we see, create and experience loving everything.
Just to clarify, that doesn’t mean we will like everything; we may even feel appalled, betrayed, angry, depressed, manic and any number of human emotions along the way. But having the tools to help us re-focus on our spiritual knowing, brings us back into balance quickly. This enables us to respond appropriately rather than react and make things worse.
Sincere Need:

This work is the result of years of feeling disillusioned and disappointed with the choices I saw being made by everyone in my life. How inhumane humanity seemed to be was very disappointing and I often felt angry. Those feelings led me to create a lot of extremes in my life. And those extremes caused me to nearly lose my mind, and my life when I was just 21.
So I did something pretty radical, even for me, who at that point in my life considered myself agnostic. From a place of sincere need, I said “God if you do exist, I need your help” and immediately I was transformed!
My world changed in an instant. What happened to me in that prime “Ask and you shall receive” event was magical. I asked for help from a sincere place of need, to a God I didn’t even think really existed, and a miracle happened. Instantly I knew I was loved and that my life would be a wondrous journey experiencing the ultimate goal fulfilled in me by loving myself.
Since then I have dedicated my life to creating tools to help myself and others to achieve this ultimate truth. One way we have expressed this is as My10MinCoach because we know that using the techniques we offer from Oracle of the Heart just 10 minutes a day is like having your very on personal coach on call 24/7.
I had a lot of learning to do and so I got busy. In order to love myself I thought I needed to understand what had happened. I delved deep into spiritual teachings from many different cultures and learned many different meditation techniques. Learning a great deal about nutrition and its impact on the body and mind helped me to heal my body.
And I studied different forms of body work, breath work and yoga. Mayan elders taught us about the cosmos and our connection to them when I visited their sacred temples. I frequented Native American ceremonial grounds of the Anasazi and learned of their Pleiadian ancestors. Ultimately I was led to sacred geometry and learned that the structural perfection of the universe, exists within us as well.
A Rewarding Life:
Piece by piece, the universe guided me to develop an oracle myself. It’s called ‘Oracle of the Heart’ and it has provided me the day to day guidance I have needed to continue healing and loving myself. The blessings have resulted in my living a rich, rewarding life with a loving wife/partner who shares in my work. Having fathered 8 creative, productive, ambitious, loving children to enjoy is my greatest blessing. Added to that I take pride in 15 grand-children and now 3 great grandchildren.
Oracle of the Heart:
What I have learned from Oracle of the Heart, and what it has enabled me to create from it, all leads within oneself where all you need resides in order for you to See Yourself Loving. Each of the tools, techniques, and exercises will help you incorporate spirituality into your everyday life in tangible ways.
Each meditative experience is a personal journey that uses your own life experiences to expand your awareness in ways that allow you to relate to the world from the inside out, from your loving center, as you explore the nature of your Soul.
Tools Of Engagement:
Oracle of the Heart provides literally hundreds of tools of engagement to help guide you to know and express the Divine in you. So everything available offered is to support you in awakening to a greater and greater awareness of God within each of us.
As you work with these tools of engagement, new perceptions of past events emerge, shedding away self-limiting beliefs, and clearing inner pathways to bring richer experiences to you in the present. Hence, easily letting-go, free to be yourself.
As we focus on our spiritual nature our daily concerns drop away. Becoming aware that you are, in essence, a spiritual being. In addition practicing these exercises will help you transcend the illusions and limitations of this world. Working with these tools moves you into an expanded awareness of your Soul enabling you to live life fully in love.
You Are Not a Victim:
We offer a vast selection of options to use whenever you are stressed in any way. You no longer have to feel like a victim of your emotions, mind or physical body. You are the creator of your reality.
In conclusion accepting this one concept; that you are the creator of your reality, and establishing positive responses to what shows up in your life, will changes everything.
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