About What You Get

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Full Access Membership provides:

A Lifetime of Resources to Uplift, Inspire & Support You!

You will access literally hundreds of therapeutic meditations and programs with a Full Access Membership.

Limited Access Free Memberships also Available below.

Here is what you get with a Full Access Membership.

33 - ‘Stairway to Heaven’ audio classes/meditative exercises. These are a perfect place to start your journey. There are 33 steps in Our Stairway to Heaven series that share each of the 32 steps of your own personal Heavenly Stairway. Each are designed to familiarize you with the basic 32 elements of Oracle of the Heart. The first mp3 is a a little longer (8 minutes) and the rest of them are approx. 5 minutes each.

The threads that weave through each of these help define all our relationships; to both yourself and to one another. They are about how what we create in our lives is reflected in our relationship with our-self.  Most of all they are about our current need to realize our purpose by shifting from seeing ourselves as defensive physical beings to realizing we are loving eternal souls occupying physical bodies. To 'See Yourself Loving' is essential to not only your happiness but that of us all!

128 - ‘Doors of Perception’ heartfelt and deeply personal meditative exercises. These meditations are derived from Oracle of the Heart; our system of understanding consciousness. The Oracle revealed 128 creative perceptions that we all share yet experience in our own unique ways. These dynamic meditations help release judgement, fears and self-doubts embedded within us from our past experiences and relationships that have us stuck in limiting states of mind and irrational beliefs. These 128 - 10 min exercises help clear away what may be blocking or distorting your creative potential and holding you back. The insights are brought forth from your own life experiences, but through the meditative exercise are seen and felt differently.

We provide a random selector also so at the click of a button you can allow spirit or synchronicity to choose which of the 128 ‘Doors of Perception’ is meant for you at any giving moment. It is a great way to realize the perfection that is always present when we are open to receive it.

33 ‘See Yourself Meditations’: On their own these See Yourself Meditations reestablish the natural, healthy creative patterns that we are born with. Often however traumatic experiences which we often struggle to resolve distort our natural creative patterns by activating our defenses. These defensive barriers isolate and alienate us from one another and from our own true self. Our 'See Yourself' Meditation exercises compliment the Doors of Perception meditations by helping redistribute the creative energy you are made aware of. These unique 'See Yourself' meditations shift your awareness to reconnect fragmented neural pathways that have rendered us creatively impotent. While the Doors of Perception exercises help us to heal our personal traumas our See Yourself Meditations redistribute the freed energies within us, liberating us to live and be who we truly are: Loving.

32 Ways to Work with 'The Ascendants': There are 8 Words from Oracle of the Heart we call the Ascendants. We call them that because these words assist and affirm the best of who we are. They help us ascend or rise up thru our self limiting thoughts, releasing stress and raising our level of consciousness. They each hold a high vibratory frequency and can be used very powerfully as a centering, and uplifting series of affirmations. In just 8 breaths you can feel yourself calming and if you say them in there sequence at least 3 times you can feel the stress dropping away and your energy re-vitalizing. We provide all 32 ways to experience them.

8 - S.A.M.E. (Self Awareness Made Easy) See Yourself Journals: These printable PDF's offer those working with the ‘Doors of Perception’ opportunities to reflect deeply on the 16 perceptions associated with each of our eight chakra energy centers. Journaling your new insights that you receive from within will help you to be more present and able to release self-doubts, judgements and fears embedded within past perceptions. Releasing our self-doubts and negative states of mind enables us to know and manifest what we truly want. Each journal aids in simply reflecting and recording your perceptions, and to create a personal record of your journey for you to reflect on the progress you’re making.

8 - Eight “Heart Dances” Classes are informative and insightful and have 8 unique meditative exercises to help center, focus and attune to your true nature. These were first recorded nearly twenty years ago while searching for new ways to experience Oracle of the Heart, this inner technology, that these experiences are based on. Each 'Heart Dances' meditative exercise produces deep states of inner peace by alternately affirming the opposites within us. In these simple exercises, we align with the cosmic law that unifies Male + Female, Day + Night, Yin + Yang, Hot + Cold etc. These effective balancing experiences of inner peace are for those who want a longer meditative experience (classes are approx 45 min. and the corresponding meditations are approx. 20 min).

12 - Angels of the Merkaba Meditations & 10 power packed Classes: An experiential dynamic series created to share the inner technology & structure of human consciousness seen thru Sacred Geometry. Attuning to the 32 pure human aspects within us naturally activates our Merkabah energy field. This geometrically perfect form is present around us always but for it to spin in balance we too need to be in balance. Otherwise we are on a constant emotional roller coaster. We also have a Program series below that incorporates the mysical teachings of the Lord's Prayer as we reveal the sacred geometry it is based on.

8 - Merkabah Activation Program Courses: A powerful interpretation and practical application of the importance of consciously working with the elements of your own consciousness in ways that create balance, harmony and peace in your life. Everything we do, mentally, emotionally, and physically has an effect spiritually. Being aligned with what is for the Highest Good aligns you with your unique creative potential and fulfillment. Each level of this series offers insight and exercises empowering you to live life with passion, focus and caring, and all while releasing karmic patterns!

64 - Reality Remodels weekly courses with instructions and daily meditations. This is a quick yet powerful way that a 20-minute per day commitment will give you multiple opportunities to remodel your reality. This is one of the easiest and perhaps the most profound series we have created to date. If you are short on time but want to do the work to live your life in a fulfilling way this series is for you!

8 Creator Profile Generators: There are 8 levels of consciousness within our system created from Oracle of the Heart. Each of the 8 levels have 16 unique perceptions associated with them that we all share yet experience differently. Each time you generate a profile, you are accessing what the universe or spirit deems is for the highest good to focus on in moment. We have recently updated this process to include a worksheet and a much broader spectrum of experiences.We provide random selectors for you to choose to work with and basic instructions. These have proven to be very popular and they incorporate several elements of the system and give the user practice on reflecting on ones own consciousness and align with the divine knowing within.

Video Series on The Mystical Aspects of the Lord’s Prayer

"The Way Forward is Within Series" / 9 Dynamic Experiential Programs

These are unique and highly experiential home study programs and each one takes you on an in depth look into the mystical aspects of the Lord's Prayer, how it relates to you and humanity, and weaves other ancient teachings from the Maya, the Hindu, and Sacred Geometry while providing opportunities to experience yourself and your life in new ways. Each program provides opportunities to go at your own pace, on a variety of inner journeys of spirituality. To complete all of these may take a year but even then because consciousness is ever evolving, starting over and going thru them again and again will serve you well. We look forward to hearing your experiences of them.


When you get started take your time, but give yourself permission to take at least 10-30 minutes a day and begin reaping the benefits of building your personalized spiritual practice with what is offered. Most importantly; Enjoy the Journey!

What You Get Free

Free Membership provides:

A taste of what we offer

One of our 128 'Door of Perception' Guided Meditations to experience

One of 32 'See Yourself'' Guided Meditation to experience

Level 1: Creators Profile & Instructions. A dynamic tool that attunes you to your personal creative potential regarding; receiving, giving, wanting and letting-go.

Oracle of the Heart mini process: Begin learning to "Surf the Realms of Love" randomly selecting a word to affirm for the day from Oracle of the Heart's 32 aspects of our souls awareness.This basic process reveals insightful treasures that come forth from within your own life experiences. It acts as a guide taking you inward to gently awaken new insights from the wisdom of your soul. Doing this as a daily process will support you in every aspect of your life. Take it to heart and it will become a true life-long friend. 

Video Resource Library

Two FREE Books

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The Pain in our lives is about one thing; missed opportunities to 'See Ourselves Loving'.

We encourage you to use every challenge as an opportunity to 'See Yourself Loving".

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