
Merkabah Activation course 3

Merkabah Activation Course: Level 3 Program

Merkabah Activation course 3 focuses on clearing and cleansing blocked energy in the solar plexus. The aspects you will be working with center around experiences of being unhappy, happy, responding and appreciating.

Our general prejudice for happiness and against unhappiness cause us to habitually react, attaching to what makes us happy and resisting what makes us unhappy. These defensive habitual reactions to our emotions cause us to perpetuate our reality, whatever it may be. We often feel trapped by our own emotions until we realize that we are the creators of our own experiences. Then we can appreciate our feelings for the valuable creative guidance they provide.

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Merkabah Activation course 4

Merkabah Activation Course: Level 4 Program

Merkabah Activation course 4 focuses on the heart chakra and clearing emotional blocks holding us in repeating patterns. Since the creative powers of our soul far surpass those of our ego, the mind, and our survival instincts, the light within us often repels what we think we want or need in order to protect us.

It also attracts experiences, conditions and relationships that challenge us to learn, grow and evolve our awareness of ourselves as creators. As our awareness increases so does our awareness of how we are being loved and guided to realize who we truly are.

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Merkabah Activation course 5

Merkabah Activation Course: Level 5 Program

The meditative exercises and insights we offer in level 5 of our Merkabah Activation course are specifically designed to clear, cleanse, balance, unify and activate your inner pathways of listening, speaking, communing and joy. These pathways are rooted in the throat chakra but naturally effect every level of our experiences and our creativity.

On this level the attunement of The Lord’s Prayer, “Hallowed be Thy Name”, offers the key to transcending our failures to unite physically, mentally and emotionally. We fail to commune on these levels because each of us is occupying a completely different space. Physically, mentally and emotionally we are all so uniquely different, but spiritually we are all the same.

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The Pain in our lives is about one thing; missed opportunities to 'See Ourselves Loving'.

We encourage you to use every challenge as an opportunity to 'See Yourself Loving".