Welcome to: My 10 Min Coach where we offer multiple ways to See Yourself Loving. Our purpose is to share uniquely personal and yet universal tools. The experiential exercises are based on timeless healing principals. Our philosophy is that as we clear and cleanse our inner doors of perception, we see ourselves as we truly are; loving.

See Yourself Loving
To See Yourself Loving is to see from the awareness of your soul. This is where our deepest caring resides. When we align with this deep caring the most natural and spontaneous responses to the events of our lives unfold. Learn to create open lines of healthy communication with respect and caring for all involved. We so often create conflict and stress because we are not communicating from our heart.
We’ve spent most of the past 30 years developing these unique tools and exercises to deepen and enrich our own coaching abilities. And also, out of our own need to cope with the challenges of our own lives, and learn to surf the waves of life with love.
Whether you are a coach, being coached or would like to coach yourself, these tools will benefit you. Only you can know how much. Experience the subtle but wondrous shifts that occur as you begin the practice of ‘Seeing Yourself Loving’.
We invite you to see What We Offer to help uplift and assist you on your path of personal growth. Or read more About My10MinCoach and see if you would like to Join Us and share Your Promise; the Magnificence of your unique Soul, as you ‘See Yourself Loving’.
With Gratitude for the Opportunity to share,