Harvesting Memory

Harvesting Memory:

Harvesting Memory is the action of assimilating the wealth of unrealized personal truth and wisdom bound up in our past experiences. Within our most challenging memories we experience some form of conflict. This drains our energy and compels us to recreate similar events over and over until we are able to assimilate the lesson/s we missed.

Reaping the Benefits of Revisiting the Past

Like past life regression hypnotherapy, harvesting memory opens you up to a broader perspective of life and your role in it. Revisiting your past experiences, using the meditative tools we provide, can elevate and improve your current life. The trauma of the past has negative effects on your present life. Remembering and perceiving thru new eyes helps us to heal and live a more positive life.  And it is now proven that our stored and unresolved emotions are the cause of most illnesses. One series of meditative exercises we have created are our 128 ‘Doors of Perception’ meditations. These provide countless opportunities to resolve unresolved past events and relationships in the comfort of your own space and in your own timing. 

In many cases the past experiences you will harvest are from early childhood. Some of our formative events and relationships you may revisit may have been traumatic. Perhaps you reacted impulsively, according to your most basic instincts at the time. Regardless of how or why these perceptions were instilled within you, what they have in common is they are now obsolete. If they ever were relevant, they no longer are. That was then and this is now.

Unrealized Treasures:

These unrealized treasures within your memories offer insights, inner strength, wisdom and self confidence. There’s a double benefit here because not only do these forgotten inner places contain these treasures, they are also polluted with doubts, fears, judgements, confusion, misinformation and low self-esteem. All the stuff that’s been holding you back and keeping you down. Releasing all that counterproductive stuff is huge important benefit. Deeply relaxing self-affirming inner experiences offer you practical ways to change your life and access daily tools to help whenever life throws you a curve ball.

Harvest Personal Insights, Strengths, & Wisdom:

Self confidence is actually a result of releasing all that negative stuff. When our inner doors of perception are cleansed you enable yourself to see yourself as you truly are. Each of your challenging memories contain something that is clouding your awareness with internal conflict. This is not your true or normal state of being. You are a divine being with unlimited potential.

Each unresolved memory drains your energy and compels you to seek out situations where that same imprint of conflict was and recreate it. Harvesting memory helps assimilate the loving lessons that were and are always present. In a multitude of ways, our techniques guide you to make new choices, hence producing a new result. A result that honors who you are, is ultimately the goal.


The irony here is that our instincts to resolve these inner conflicts also trigger our defensive, “fight or flight” instinct. We want to avoid them. Or we feebly attempt to conquer them. Our defensive responses energize our negative feelings, but these meditative exercises help quickly and easily dissolves them while harvesting memory. Cleansing our doors of perception, empowers us to perceive our best choices for right now.

Working with the ‘Doors of Perception’ and the ‘See Yourself’ meditations are a practical way to positively work the universal “Law of Attraction”. ‘Remodel Your Realitywith ease and grace, letting go of beliefs that you have unwittingly or unconsciously created in the past that no longer serve you. As a result you honor yourself as a creator ‘Seeing Yourself Loving’, thereby manifesting the loving reality you desire.

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The Pain in our lives is about one thing; missed opportunities to 'See Ourselves Loving'.

We encourage you to use every challenge as an opportunity to 'See Yourself Loving".